1. When you receive a payment request from a client:
    1. Create a new case or clone a case in your Salesforce instance per your regular client service process
    2. Input or edit the required payment information in the Salesforce case per your firm’s procedures
    3. Save the case in Salesforce
      1. Upon saving the case, Atomic Insights will automatically ingest the payment details and request a payment request
  2. In Atomic Insights, review the Payment Request and all associated payment details ingested from Salesforce and from the Schwab API integration
    1. Atomic Insights will display the following details in a Payment Request, all ingested from Salesforce:
      1. Date Requested
      2. Payment from Account Name
      3. Payment from Account Number
      4. Payment Amount
      5. Vendor Name
      6. Vendor Routing Number
      7. Vendor Account Number
    2. Atomic Insights will then perform an automated confirmation of the following:
      1. Presence of SLOA
      2. Sufficient cash available
      3. Whether this account or the broader firm has wired to this routing number and account before
      4. And automatically log payment categorization for repeat payments
  3. Approve or Reject the Payment Request:
    1. If approved, Atomic Insights opens the custodian money movement portal and automatically populates the requisite payment details for execution
    2. Atomic Insights will also send an Approved or Rejected status back to Salesforce